On Modern Judaism
An Image of a Jewish Tomorrow
Address delivered at the Union of American Hebrew Congregations Biennial Convention, Los Angeles, CA (1971)
Biblical Foundations of Religious Pluralism
Paper presented at at a conference of the Texas Conference of Churches, the American Jewish Committee and the Texas Baptist Christian Life Commission, Dallas, TX (1982)
Blacks and Jews in Historic Interaction: The Biblical-African Experience
Paper presented at a Black-Jewish Dialogue Sponsored by The American Jewish Committee Nashville, Tennessee (1975)
Building A Biblical Foundation for Contemporary Ethics
In R.J. Hoffman and G.A. Larue (Eds.), Biblical v. secular ethics – The conflict (pp. 99-105). Buffalo, NY: Prometheus
Capitalism and Jewish Destiny
POINTER, Vol. X, No. 1, Winter 1974
The Crisis of Identity in the Dynamics of Jewish Life
Paper presented at the 49th Annual Conference of the National Council of Jewish Education, Baltimore, MD (1975); Published in Jewish Education (1976), 45(1), 4-16, 31.
The Jew in American Society
in The Central Conference of American Rabbis Yearbook, vol LXXVII, 1967.
The Uniqueness of the American Jewish Experience
in Jews in a Free Society: Challenges and Opportunities, ed. Edward A. Goldman, Hebrew Union College Press, 1978.
A Decisive Pattern in American Jewish History
Offprint from Essays in American Jewish History, To Commemorate the Tenth Anniversary of the Founding of the American Jewish Archives under the direction of Jacob Ruder Marcus. Cincinnati. 1958.