On Ancient Judaism
Ben Sirah – The Bridge Between The Aarionide and Pharisaic Revolutions
A reprint from Eretz-Israel, Volume Twelve, 1975
Ben Sira and the Non-Existence of the Synagogue
History of the Jews
In The new international encyclopedia (1964). New York: Scribner’s
Judaism, A Religion of City Dwellers The Internal City
Paper presented at the Conference of Scholars at the Weil Institute, Cincinnati, OH (1963)
Judaism’s Historical Response To Economic Social And Political Systems
The Meaning of Messiah in Jewish Thought
Paper presented at the Evangelical Christian-Jewish Conference, New York, NY (1975). In M.H. Tannenbaum, M.R. Wilson and A.J. Rudin (Eds.), Evangelicals and Jews in conversation on scripture, theology and history (pp. 54-75). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker (1978)
Some Historical Aspects of Authority In Judaism
Yearbook of the Central Conference of American Rabbis (1951), 61, 3-15
The Story of Korah’s Rebellion: Key to the Formation of the Pentateuch
Society of Biblical Literature 1988 Seminar Papers (pp. 574-581). Atlanta: Scholars Press.
The Uniqueness Of Jewish History
Yearbook of the Central Conference of Scholoars at the Weil Institute, Cincinnati, OH (1963)